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SPANISH classes near you: at home, at work, or online

Spanish Lessons in Miami

Setting foot in Miami will make you feel like you’ve been transported outside the U.S. As you walk down its sunny streets, you’ll hear the beautiful sounds of the Spanish language everywhere you go. This is especially true if you visit neighborhoods like Little Havana, filled with Latin art galleries, cafes, and restaurants. When you walk into a store here, it’s not unusual to be greeted with a “¡Buenos días!” or a “¡Buenas tardes!” by the local shop assistant, and you’ll also find most of the signs around Miami are in both English and Spanish. This comes as a result of the high percentage of Spanish native speakers living in the city, that account for 60% of the total residents, according to the 2020 census.

Any newcomer will benefit from speaking Spanish in Miami. It’s the best thing to do if you want to connect with a larger part of the population and also understand the deep Hispanic influence in the city. What’s more, learning Spanish is perfect for those wanting to immerse themselves in the incredible music, art, and traditions of some of the many Latin cultures that you can find around Miami, while also becoming more employable. Whatever your reason for learning Spanish, this beautiful language will change the way you experience the city for the better, and help you see it with new eyes. 

Why Study Spanish in Miami?

Learn Spanish for Work and Travel

If you want to access better job opportunities in Miami, you should consider learning Spanish. As you might know, the city is a business hub for Latin America so Spanish is required for many positions and preferred in most. Some of the positions exclusive for bilinguals in the city include Bilingual Spanish Customer Service & Sales Representative for AT&T, Bilingual Spanish Banker for Citizen Bank, and Bilingual Assistant Store Manager for Extra Space Storage. In short, having Spanish on your CV will make getting a job in Miami’s competitive market much easier no matter what your career is.

In addition to opening doors to unique jobs in the city, learning Spanish will improve the way you experience other countries when you travel. As the second language with the most native speakers in the world, Spanish is a useful tool to have when visiting countries like Chile, Spain, Cuba, Argentina, and Uruguay. What’s more, if you become fluent, you’ll get access to amazing job positions in these countries that could potentially change your life.

Learn Spanish for Social

There’s no better city than Miami to get to know the different Latin cultures where Spanish is spoken. One of the biggest events in the city is the Carnival Miami, held every February. This amazing festival lasts three weeks and showcases some of the best dancers, musicians, food, and art of the Latin communities that live in the city. Carnival Miami has something for everyone and offers all kinds of events. If you like games, you can’t miss the Domino Tournament, a classic Little Havana cultural experience where domino enthusiasts from around the country gather for a laid-back afternoon of laughter, fierce competition, and a feast of Latin food. On the other hand, if you want to immerse yourself in Latin music, you can’t miss the Calle Ocho Music Festival, where in addition to listening to some of the most well-known singers and bands from Spanish speaking countries, you’ll get the chance to taste delicious international food, enjoy folkloric dances and find entertainment for all families. Lastly, if you want to explore the local art scene and cuisine that make Miami so unique, you might want to check out the Carnival on the Mile, a free two-day event that features the best artists, cooks, and live performers in the city.

Learn Spanish for Culture

Learning Spanish will not only help you get to know other cultures, but it’s the perfect opportunity to make new friends from all over the world. In Miami, Spanglish Exchange: MIAMI organizes free language exchange events where you can practice Spanish and meet native speakers who need help with their English. They meet three times a week online and in local bars like 100 Montaditos, located at 1401 Brickell Ave. The way both the face-to-face and online events work is the same, you start speaking in Spanish with a native speaker and after five minutes one of the hosts will announce it’s time to switch to speaking English. After that, you’ll change language partners and start the process again.

Where to learn Spanish in and around Miami?

In addition to offering useful learning materials like course books, grammar books, and dictionaries, the Miami-Dade Public Library System offers free Spanish lessons for beginners in some of its branches. Back in 2016, the library partnered with Florida International University as a result of the high demand for free, in-person classes at the Library and launched an 8-week course for beginners. The course was a complete success so since then the library has partnered up with other local universities to create learning programs every year.

Although these programs are great for beginners, they only last a short period of time and only cover the basics of the language. If you truly want to take your Spanish skills to the next level, your best choice is to study at Listen & Learn. If you send us a quick inquiry now, one of our team members will pair you up with a native Spanish teacher who will create a completely personalized course for you based on your interests and goals. You can choose to have face-to-face lessons in the comfort of your home or office in Miami, or you can choose to have them on Skype or Zoom, so there’s no excuse! Start learning today and you’ll be speaking Spanish in no time! 

The type of courses we offer:

Face-to-Face 1-to-1 (Individual) General Spanish

These Spanish lessons are more general in nature and are targeted at students with a whole range of different needs. While all beginners level students can expect to cover Survival Spanish - required for short visits to a country where English may not be spoken and/or the intention is to make good contacts with the local population, students then generally progress in different directions depending on their needs. Typical students include those buying property overseas, spouses of overseas nationals, people about to set off on that long-awaited world trip, Spanish culture enthusiasts and those who are keen to pass a particular Spanish examination. Inquire now about our Spanish Courses or Take A Free Spanish Level Test

Face-to-Face 1-to-1 (Individual) Business Spanish

Spanish lessons of this type are aimed towards those that need to learn Spanish to aid them with their employment. For those just starting out, it is integral to learn basic greetings and business etiquette; and reading and writing can be adopted once the simple precepts are out of the way. Success has come from students who are involved in import/export, international negotiations and acquisitions, those seeking jobs in multinational companies, and those working with foreign colleagues, academia and bureaucracy. Just our most basic beginners lesson will have the student finishing the lesson with basic telephone/e-mail skills in Spanish, as well as survival Spanish should a short stay in the country be needed. Inquire now about our Spanish Courses or Take A Free Spanish Level Test

Face-to-Face Closed (Private) Group General or Business Spanish

Those wishing to learn Spanish in groups of 2 or more together (Two-to-One Spanish Lessons or Small Group In-Company Spanish Lessons) can sign up for our group classes. All students must be at nearly the same level of Spanish proficiency, must have the same needs from the language, and must be able to study at the same time and place as the others. Bookings must be made for all students simultaneously. Listen & Learn do not propose group sizes or more than 6-8 people, but In-Company Taster Spanish Lessons can occur with up to 12 people. Inquire now about our Spanish Courses or Take A Free Spanish Level Test

Skype, Google Meet or Zoom Online 1-to-1 (Individual) General or Business Spanish

You and your group can be trained by our native speaker qualified Spanish teachers, and can meet at your place of work or home at a time convenient to you. Tutorials can take place any day of the week, including weekends, and can be scheduled for the morning, afternoon or evening. If your home or office is not suitable for you, you can attend the lesson at the teacher's offices. You will be provided with all relevant lesson materials. Inquire now about our Spanish Courses or Take A Free Spanish Level Test

Skype, Google Meet or Zoom Online Group (Closed or Open) General or Business Spanish

Those wishing to learn Spanish in groups of 2 or more together (Two-to-One Spanish Lessons or Small Group In-Company Spanish Lessons) can sign up for our group classes. All students must be at nearly the same level of Spanish proficiency, must have the same needs from the language, and must be able to study at the same time and place as the others. Bookings must be made for all students simultaneously. Listen & Learn do not propose group sizes or more than 6-8 people, but In-Company Taster Spanish Lessons can occur with up to 12 people. Inquire now about our Spanish Courses or Take A Free Spanish Level Test

Top Tips For…

spanish Songs


Macarena - Los del Río

Have you ever danced to the rhythm of Macarena? This was a massive hit in the 1990s and it’s still heard today in many bars and nightclubs across Latin America. The song is very simple: it talks about Macarena and her moves on the dancefloor. The song is extremely catchy and will surely get stuck in your head, which you can use in your favor to improve your language skills. Research shows that music activates the auditory cortex part of our brains, helping us repeat the song over and over while learning new vocabulary and structures. Dance to the rhythm of this catchy song!

spanish Songs

Livin La Vida Loca - Ricky Martin

It can be very useful to listen to familiar songs dubbed in the language you want to learn. Luckily for language students, there are many singers who sing both in English and their native language, like Ricky Martin. So, why not try and listen to “Living la Vida Loca” in Spanish? Released in 1999, the song topped the charts and is still very popular today. It talks about the “crazy life” lived in Puerto Rico and there is a lot of vocabulary repetition and very few tenses, so it’s very easy to understand, even for beginner-level students. Click here to listen to the song!

La Tortura - Shakira

“The Torture” is a song that follows the story of a man who cheats on his partner and wants to win her back. Shakira describes her tortured feelings and how hard it is for her to say no to him, knowing he will never change. Apart from being really catchy, the song tells an interesting story, so it’s worth the effort to understand it. Plus, it’s a very powerful way to get some Colombian words and expressions like “no te rajes” or “yo se que no he sido un santo” to stay in your mind long-term. Click here to listen to the song!

spanish Youtube Channels


Mis Pastelitos

To achieve fluency in Spanish, it’s important to constantly absorb information via different mediums. And what better way than to listen to native Spanish speakers talk about topics you are passionate about? For example, if you like cooking, then watching Mis Pastelitos’ videos can be a great choice. This YouTube channel is run by Griz Verduzco, a Mexican woman who loves sharing recipes about delicious desserts from her home country. You’ll soon pick up words and phrases related to cooking, like “olla,” “freír” and “qué delicioso”. But don’t watch it if you are on a diet: you’ll soon be craving sugar! Subscribe here to the channel!

spanish Youtube Channels


If you love anime and games and are looking to improve your Spanish, why not follow ElSmosh’s Youtube channel? This Youtuber makes comedy videos aimed at pop culture and Pokémon fans in English, which is then dubbed into Spanish by a Chilean man. So, if you are interested in watching videos about how Pikachu won his first battle or curious facts about Disney princesses, this is the channel for you. Plus, as the channel is available in both English and Spanish, so you can cross-reference both versions if you are a beginner and would like to improve your comprehension skills and vocabulary. Subscribe to the channel here!

Daniela Bos

Learning Spanish on YouTube is convenient. Since you can watch the platform from any device with an internet connection, you can use it to learn Spanish anytime, anywhere. For example, you can start watching the content uploaded by Daniela Bos, a YouTuber who shares facts about Mexican lifestyle and current events. This channel is recommended for everyone learning Spanish, even beginners, as she speaks in a very clear way, making it easy to understand what she’s saying. Soon, you’ll develop a fluid vocabulary and learn some of the phrases she always uses, like “Hola, bebé!” Subscribe here to the channel!

spanish Sports


Learn Vocabulary Watching Soccer

Learning Spanish is much simpler and more motivational when you use materials about topics that really interest you. Some of the most famous soccer teams in the world, like Barcelona or Real Madrid, are from Spain and the Spanish are huge fans of the sport as a result. So, if you are looking to connect with Spanish speakers, what could be better than talking to them about football? Gather together with Spanish speakers and watch some matches on TV networks, like Univision, and soon you’ll soon start to pick up important soccer vocabulary, like how the referee is called árbitro or that a forward (like Messi) is called delantero. Learn more about Spanish teams here!

spanish Sports

Use Ligas to learn Spanish

If you ever go to Spain, you’ll see that the most popular sport in the country is soccer. Every weekend, fans put on their teams’ shirts and sit in front of the TV or attend the local stadium to watch football matches of La Liga, la Liga de Campeones o la Liga del Rey. Watching soccer matches is the perfect way not only to learn some new vocabulary (polivalente, for example, is a player that can take different positions in the field) but also to engage in interesting discussions with your Spanish friends. All of them will have heard about Messi or Suárez, so ask them their opinions on the players with your Spanish skills. Click here to know when the Liga starts!

Watch the World Cup in Spanish

The soccer World Cup is one of the most prestigious sporting tournaments in the world. It takes place every 4 years and attracts millions of attending fans and excited TV viewers, ready to cheer on their nation’s team. But did you know that, for decades, the World Cup has been transmitted inboth English and Spanish in the USA? This is a great chance for Spanish learners to enjoy a world-class sports event while increasing their Spanish vocabulary. Plus, you’ll have an exciting topic to discuss with your Latin American or Spanish friends! Learn more about the World Cup here.

spanish For Kids


Fisher-Price Videos

Are your kids learning Spanish? Do you find it difficult to have them sit down and do the homework? Then Fisher-Price videos for toddlers and children of early school age can help! The site has a huge selection of videos that range from teaching the names of animals and colors to everyday vocabulary related to school and other environments and scenarios. Each new word is displayed on screen, so these videos are great resources to teach children spelling. They’re super fun too, so you can be sure your child will be thoroughly entertained while practicing their Spanish! Click here to start playing with your kids!

spanish For Kids

Spanish Kid Stuff

Textbooks and flashcards are highly recommended to learn and retain vocabulary, especially when it comes to children, as using visual reinforcement is a great way to commit terms to memory (and avoid boredom). And while these elements are certainly expensive, you can also find great resources online for free, such as at Spanish Kid Stuff. The website promotes language learning by offering hundreds of resources for children to learn Spanish. You’ll find all the materials conveniently divided into categories, like “Animals,” “Clothing,” “Time,” and so on, so it will be easy for you to find the materials you want your child to practice! Click here to start playing with your kids!


Do you remember the songs your family used to sing to you when you were a baby? Lullabies are one of the most natural and memorable ways to learn a language. So, if your child is learning Spanish, it’s a great idea to enter Pandora and listen to some lullabies (canciones de cuna) together. You’ll find a lot of options on the site, like “Estrellita donde estás.” In most cases, you can find an English counterpart (like “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”), which is even better because your child will already be familiar with the soothing tune. Listen to these songs here!

spanish Comedy


El Chavo del 8

Who ever said that learning a new language is boring? One of the biggest mistakes that students make is to just use textbooks to learn. Of course, flashcards and books are very useful but watching comedy in Spanish is a great method to improve your vocabulary and grammar while having a laugh. For instance, El Chavo del 8 is a Mexican show that follows the adventures of a poor orphan boy called el Chavo and other low-income characters who live in the same housing complex (la vecindad). Put away the books and turn on the TV to pick up some Mexican slang! Click here to learn more about this Mexican series!

spanish Comedy

La Casa de las Flores

Watching movies and series is a great strategy to improve your Spanish. Even if you are just starting with your course, try not to watch dubbed series but the original Spanish and use English subtitles instead. This will help develop your ear for the language, and once you become more proficient, you can use Spanish subtitles or none at all! If you like comedy, we recommend trying The House of Flowers. This is a very popular black-Mexican comedy television series you can watch on Netflix. You’ll develop a greater awareness of contemporary Mexican society and culture while having some fun and improving your Spanish. Click here to learn more about this series.

Allí Abajo

Allí Abajo is a comedy that playfully depicts the cultural differences between one of the northernmost regions in Spain, el País Vasco, and Andalucía in the south. It follows Iñaki, a man from the north, who falls in love with Carmen, a nurse from the south. This is a great series that can help you understand the cultural differences between Spanish regions and will serve to increase your awareness and understanding of dialects in terms of vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. This series is great for any level of proficiency and will help you to pick up some slang and expressions from Andalucía and País Vasco! Wanna know more about the movie? Click here.


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"Silvia is wonderful and I am hugely pleased with how the lessons have been progressing. Nothing but positive feedback to share! I look forward to continuing."
Alexandra Miller

Spanish course in Online.

"I chose Listen & Learn after researching the best way to learn a language. The approach fits with my lifestyle and offers a unique one-on-one experience."
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"I feel fortunate to work with a teacher who is friendly, intelligent, and patient. Thus far, my classes have been enjoyable and productive."
Mary Moody

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"It was a pleasure to meet Angelica. She was friendly and enthusiastic. From the outset, I was both nervous and excited, but she made me feel more comfortable."
Mary Moody

Spanish course in Online.

"My tutor, Mr. Edwards, is everything I had hoped a private Spanish lesson would be. I am very excited about meeting with him for our second lesson."
Kyle Gish

Spanish course in San Antonio, Dustless Air.

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