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Memrise German

all levels

This nifty little app helps you learn German through with mnemonics -- memory tricks that help you to memorize key words and phrases. You can access a database of mnemonics that have been proven to help other learners of German, as well as create and share your own!

In Memrise, introductory courses start with key verbs and nouns in German, each of which has a picture or phrase to help you remember it. You plant a virtual garden with each lesson, which you must ‘water’ by going back to practice the previous lesson of vocabulary words or phrases you’ve learnt. If you make a mistake, you’ll get a refresher lesson on the words you’re struggling with, so you end up practicing the topics that challenge you the most.

The best part about this app is that it is tailored for every level of learner. Beginners can explore some basic phrases and words in German, while more advanced learners can choose a course about advanced topics in German, like reflexive pronouns or phrasal verbs. Whatever you need for your level of study, you’ll be able to find in Memrise.


Reviewed by

Heather Keagan

Heather is a full time English teacher who loves to travel around the world, learning languages as she goes.  She's working on Russian and Korean at the moment, though she really needs to brush up on her French and German!


From our clients all over the world

"The course is great and Marie is super lovely!"
Yury Russell

German course in Online.

"Classes have been going well and I'm satisfied. love that my teacher is really co-operative and is a really good teacher."
Preston Heimbouch

German course in Cincinnati.

"Both Kerstin and Charlotte are kind, skilled, expert teachers who are very sensitive to my desire to learn, and I make excellent progress with their guidance."
Jessica Polish

German course in Queens.

"The german lessons are going great."
Magan Kell

German course in Online.

"Our teacher is definitely helping us with our accents! That is huge for us!"
Cara Pagendarm

German course in Prairieville.
