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Quality Tested by

Cucina Alfemminile


Who could deny Italian food is great? So, why not take your language learning into the kitchen with this app loaded with recipes in Italian? You can check the latest recipes or search by ingredient, cost, difficulty, or type of dish. You can share the recipes you find by email or direct to Facebook. What’s more, if you get an account with the website, then you can also comment and add the recipes to your own personal recipe file to save searching for them again in the future. Delizioso!

There’s also a general Al Femminile app available, which has a whole host of regularly updated magazine-style articles on it. The Cucina app is slightly less girly though, although still regularly updated.


Reviewed by

Lindsay Dow

Lindsay Dow is a dedicated language tutor, blogger, and video maker from Milton Keynes, England. When she’s not teaching languages, she’s learning them herself and documenting the process of and her YouTube channel. When she’s not doing that, she’s playing with her tortoise Gonzo who speaks a grand total of zero languages.


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"I am very pleased with the lessons!"
Brian Bieder

Italian course in Online.

"Teresa has been a lovely teacher, very knowledgeable, extremely caring and she really put her heart and soul into helping Whit learn the language."
Amy Ponder

Italian course in Online.

"Flavia is an excellent teacher. I’m really learning and loving her method. I made so much progress and I understand the concepts of the language better now."
Bianca Jack

Italian course in Online.

"My teacher is wonderful! She's great at bringing in different forms of material. Overall I've been very happy with what topics we've been covering and my progress."
Nora Traum

Italian course in Online.

"My wife and I wish to congratulate your company for Serena. She is delightful to work with, very cooperative, extremely helpful and very knowledgeable."
Robert Haik

Italian course in Miami.
