5 Entertaining Spanish Podcasts to Listen to on Your Commute
So you want to learn Spanish? Well, let us tell you that if you are learning a language, are proficient and wanting to keep up the practice, or even just looking for a fun way to pick up some new vocabulary, podcasts might just be for you!
And the best thing about podcasts is that you can listen to them anywhere, any time, even if you just have a few minutes, which makes them perfect to keep your language skills sharp during a break or on your commute.
So, without further ado, we are going to look at some of the best podcasts out there for studying languages, starting this time with Spanish.

The Nómadas podcast will probably top just about every Spanish podcast recommendation you’ll see for language learning.
Broadcast on Friday night and Saturday and Sunday afternoons, this podcast explores so much of our world.
From the best things to do when visiting some of the world’s favourite cities, to recommendations for food to try the next time you travel, there is always a subject that will entice you in. It’s a great way to broaden both your travel horizons and language skills at the same time!
A good example of this is Tenerife, el alma del volcán, which takes you on an adventure around the so-called watchtower of The Canaries.
Carne cruda
Carne cruda, which translates as raw meat, covers a variety of subjects, so your first task will be to scroll through the wealth of podcasts already available to choose what you want!
From music and cinematography to controversial politics and the treatment of refugees, this podcast does not hold back on sharing an opinion. There are interviews and thought pieces, and undercover investigations as well as the latest topical news.
Carne cruda streams live on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, and is directed and presented by Javier Gallego. The adventurer in you will love Ciencia extrema: Del Amazonas a la Antártida, taking us from the evolutionary biology of The Amazon to current research campaigns in Antarctica.
Fallo de Sistema
Fallo de Sistema is a podcast that will really make you think.
It’s about page will tell you that the podcasts cover videogames, sciences, and technology, which is true, although there are plenty more things discussed besides.
Fallo de Sistema particularly likes to showcase all things Spanish, as you might imagine. So, a recent discussion on the affordability of space travel looks at the possibilities available in Spain, and a look at the treatment of women in science in Las mentiras cientificas sobre las mujeres highlights a female Spanish author as she promotes her latest book. This podcast is honestly worth a listen, a truly Spanish outlook and experience.
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Neteando con Kate y Jessica
If what you’re looking for in a podcast is a little more light-hearted and easy-going, Neteando con Kate y Jessica might be a great choice for you.
This Mexican podcast is hosted by actress Kate del Castillo and celebrity reporter Jessica Maldonado, two ladies who are fun, vibrant, and outspoken.
A wide range of topics are covered; think of this more as an audio chat show, where guests are interviewed, and everything in current affairs is discussed openly and honestly. Along the way, you will learn some beautiful Mexican slang, hear some colourful language, and are guaranteed to have a smile on your face by the time you are done!
Asalto sexual en la época de Trump y una aplicación para su mascotas de 4 patitas is a great introduction to the style of this dynamic team, discussing the famous men who continue to get away with sexual assault without having any impact on their careers — and not holding back with their opinions!
Radio Ambulante
Our final choice for Spanish language podcast is Radio Ambulante. This podcast brings you compelling stories from Latin America and the United States, discussing everything from the latest in our political climate to a look at natural disasters around the world.
Sport, literature, arts, entertainment; there isn’t a subject that isn’t covered from a truly personal and unique point of view. And if you wanted to check any of the vocabulary that you hear, the website also provides a transcription of all their podcasts in both Spanish and English.
Radio Ambulante hosts podcasts that are from under 15 minutes to over an hour, meaning you can even give them a listen when you are short on time. Cicatrices, for example, is the beautiful though heartbreaking story of Kenia, discussing her incredibly harrowing childhood and eventual emigration to the US from Columbia. Give them a go!
If you are as big podcast geeks as us, then these additions to your listen list will only bring good things. But before you do that, you might actually want to know what your Spanish level is like. Well, you’re in luck since we have here on our website a great free and fun Spanish level test you can take in just a few minutes. Click here to get started now and find out what is your true Spanish level!